Recently I’ve been feeling the urge to play around with tech for no other reason than the enjoyment of figuring out how something works. I haven’t felt this way for a very long time so I cherish the feeling; turns out I might not be devolving into an un-excitable blob as I had feared.
Here’s a short list of the topics that are most present in my mind, in no specific order:
- Unikernels - I’ve been sort-of-but-not-really following along since my OCaml days (~2015) and want to see what has happened in this space.
- macOS Hypervisor.framework
- Rust - I suspect I’ll quite like the language and I a few prototypes in mind where Rust might be a good fit.
- Real-time sync engines - I watched the Linear Sync engine talks and find the approach quite intriguing; I haven’t worked on a webapp with this kind of architecture before.
- CRDTs - They keep popping up yet I never sat down to study them. I recently read the blog-post series An Interactive Intro to CRDTs which makes them very approachable so I want to build something with them to get a bit of practice.
- SwiftUI - I have a few ideas for small-ish native macOS apps I’d like to create.
- WebGPU - I have zero experience with GPU programming, and WebGPU seems to be a fairly easy way to play around with it as I’m familiar with all of the surrounding technologies.
My current thinking is to pick any number of the topics above and build little prototypes with them throughout the year; small enough in scope that I can actually complete them with the limited spare time I have. I guess we’ll see if my motivation holds once I’m fully back from vacation 😉🤞